R+D+i project for a comprehensive approach to cork research
March 2021
Under the titleForest management of cork oak forests and its influence on the improvement of the properties of cork, in its processing, quality and interaction with wine, this initiative has the general objective of applyinga new comprehensive approach to cork research.
From the stages of primary production in the forestry field to the processingfor the subsequent manufacture of wine stoppers, this project will also study the optimal and profitable use of by-products and residues generated in the production process for use in the cosmetic industry, thanks to its antioxidant properties.
The importance of the cork stopper
The cork stopper plays a fundamental role in promoting quality wines, since it facilitates a better evolution of the wine and its maintenance in optimal conditions.
For this reason, CORK2WINE responds to the need to develop a sectoral and strategic R + D + i initiative that affects the entire cork production chain, generating scientific knowledge in each of its phases. In addition, some technological challenges in the sector will be addressed that will allow a significant improvement in the processes of obtaining, preparing and transforming cork, paying special attention to the best stopper-wine interaction in sparkling and still wines.
CORK2WINE is an R + D + i project that aims to apply a new comprehensive approach to cork research to address the advancement and overcoming of current technological challenges in the national cork sector. From the stages of primary production in the forestry field to the subsequent manufacture of wine stoppers, this initiative also studies the profitable and optimal use of by-products and waste. In short, CORK2WINE aims to guarantee the competitiveness, sustainability, international positioning and future viability of the sector.
J·Vigas participates in this project, which is led by Francisco Oller, along with other companies such as Amorim Forestal, Quimivita, Muga and Vilarnau. In addition, it has the collaboration of several research groups: the Fundació Institut Català del Suro, the IATA-CSIC, the University of Zaragoza-LAAE, the CICYTEX, GRAG and the IMIDRA. Within the framework of the CIEN Strategic Program, CORK2WINE has a budget of almost 5,000,000 euros, financed by the Center
or the Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), and in part, with FEDER Funds of the European Union. The execution works are carried out between July 2019 and June 2023.