Other topics

Internal structure, carbon footprint, eco-friendly finishes…


Other topics

Internal structure, carbon footprint, eco-friendly finishes…



GRAPERTE: A flagship wine project in which J·Vigas participates in the sub-project Research and development of new materials to improve cork as a winemaking tool. Learn more

Study of alternative products in our production process, such as the use of natural surface treatment products with BIO certification.

Leveraging the principles of HACCP implemented for many years within the organization, implementation of the ISO 22000 standard for Food Safety.



GRAPERTE: A flagship wine project in which J·Vigas participates in the sub-project Research and development of new materials to improve cork as a winemaking tool. Learn more

Study of alternative products in our production process, such as the use of natural surface treatment products with BIO certification.

Leveraging the principles of HACCP implemented for many years within the organization, implementation of the ISO 22000 standard for Food Safety.




Internal structure

Feasibility study of a treatment for the reduction and/or elimination of sensory deviations and their potential impact on the internal structure of the cork stopper after such treatment.

Bottling with different densities

In collaboration with one of our clients.

We study the correct technical functionality during bottling and the sensory evolution of the wine based on the density of the cork.

Sensory and chromatographic study

Sensory study and analysis of the chromatographic profiles of the stoppers during the various manufacturing processes.

Carbon footprint

We calculated the carbon footprint of our stoppers from the forests to the end of their useful life.

More information in the Sustainability section of our website


A project aimed at applying a new integrated approach to cork research to address advances and overcome the current technological challenges of the national cork sector to ensure competitiveness, sustainability, international positioning, and future viability of the sector.

J·Vigas participated in CORK2WINE, which was led by Francisco Oller’s company, alongside others like Amorim Forestal, Quimivita, Muga, and Vilarnau.

Hidden defects of the cork

We test different technologies in development phases or that are already on the market.

We objectively study the technology for potential purchase when it meets J·Vigas’s requirements.